08 September, 2006

Keep your shirt on, tourists told

Rome: Venice has begun a "zero tolerance" campaign to restore public decorum, with dozens of tourists being fined €50 ($80) for removing their shirts and other "unseemly behaviour".

Unacceptable behaviour also includes eating picnic-style lunches outdoors, dangling feet in the canals and wearing minuscule shorts.
The man behind the clampdown is Augusto Salvadori, the tourism councillor, a veteran of the struggle to protect the dignity of the city who 20 years ago waged war against gondoliers singing Neapolitan songs to protect "the dignity of the city".
The first tourists to be fined were in St Mark's Square, while a British couple were fined for dangling their feet in a canal. - Telegraph, London

SMH 30-7-5




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