14 September, 2006

Much ado about profitable dog poo
Berlin: Authorities have issued what is believed to be the world's first industrial patent for a scientific procedure to convert dog poo into fuel briquettes and construction materials.
The Berlin man who filed the patent is confident he could be the first person in history to become rich from collecting dog droppings. "I could be sitting on a pile," says Karl-Friedrich Lentze, 57, an avant-garde artist who has filed for a patent with the European Patent Office. He markets the small chocolate brown briquettes under the brand name HuKo, derived from "hundekott", a polite German term, as opposed to "scheisse", used as a colourful expletive by pedestrians who step in hundekott. - Deutsche Presse-Agentur

SMH 29-10-5


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Being told something isn't good for us seldom does us any good.


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